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DragonFly bugs List (threaded) for 2010-11
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[issue1885] Panic when mounting a jailed devfs with jail devfs.conf entries

From: "fanch \(via DragonFly issue tracker\)" <sinknull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 19:16:29 +0000

fanch <fanch@kekpar.net> added the comment:

Hi Alex,

And thanks for having fixed it.

For the second part, I've added 'link bpf0 bpFOO' to my /etc/devfs.conf and
it worked too. But adding the same line between "jail yes" and "jail no" does

/etc/fstab :
devfs                   /jail/root/dev devfs rw,jail         0       0

Unmounting and remounting this jailed devfs does nothing.

Re-running /etc/rc.d/devfs (or "devfsctl -a -f /etc/devfs.conf") add the
missing link, but only when the jailed devfs is already mounted.

Unmount and remount, and the link is lost. It seems the jail devfs
configuration is kept only when jailed devfs are mounted.


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