DragonFly BSD
DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2005-05
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Dragonfly BSD kernel model

From: Dragutin Cvetkovic <drazha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 14:33:37 +0100


I did a bit of online research and reading on the topics of kernel models as a part of my studies.

A. Tanenbaum splits different kernel models into the following groups:

1. Monolithic
2. Layered
3. Client\Server
4. Virtual Machine

Another source, the Wikipedia uses a similiar split, although they are mentioning Exokernel models as well.

I was wondering, apart from the difference of opinion about thread handling BSD should have, is this project going to address the kernel model issue as well?

According to you, is the BSD kernel monolithic, layered or client\server (microkernel) oriented?

In which kernel model do you believe the future lies in?

Best regards,
--Dragutin Cvetkovic

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