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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2010-10
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Re: git: nrelease - gui - Change window manager, cpdup additional directories

From: Tron <tron@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:51:00 -0700

I totally agree, lets make at least one totally finished out of the box package available. But if die hard devotees of efficiency over glitz want Xfce - I am easy.

On 10/25/2010 8:48 PM, elekktretterr@exemail.com.au wrote:
Personally, I think a GUI install should come with full fledged desktop
GUI (either KDE, Gnome or XFCE another) instead of a window manager as
they are on their own quite useless. I think fvwm is probably worst choice
even as a window manager only as any modification requires user to learn
the bit cryptic fvwmrc language.

A full fledged desktop like KDE4 would also allow us to nail out bugs
related to desktop usage and building from pkgsrc quicker as more people
would be reporting.

Just saying...

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