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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2004-03
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Re: HEADS UP: Website Overhaul

From: Rahul Siddharthan <rsidd@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 21:02:23 +0100

ibotty wrote:
> James Frazer wrote:
> > One might want to preserve the w3c icdon'ttt link though, as it's rather
> > useful for validating pages on the site -- without actually having to go
> > to w3.org and and typing in the url.
> well, many browser do have a mean in the menu to validate the page.
> additionally, those, who care about standard compliance and don't use such
> browser, will already have a written a script to fetch this url for them.

In my experience most people don't know there is such a thing as a "W3C 
standard" or "valid HTML".  That icon is meant to tell people that such
a concept exists, and the curious will click on it and find out more. 
I'd argue for retaining the icon on the page: it doesn't occupy significant
space.  The more people learn of the importance of standards, the fewer
web pages will end up being IE-only.


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